MY STORY: 2013


April 12th, 2013 we finally got the happy news we’d been waiting for-a positive pregnancy test! I’ve always had a very regular cycle so when my period was a week late I started to suspect that it might be what we were hoping for! I took the 1st test in the morning and very quickly it turned positive! I had a hard time believing it...So, since I had several packages with tests I ended up taking a few more...5 to be exact!! :) Ha-ha...yeah...don’t really know what to say about that, but that’s how it was! And as if that wasn’t enough...after that I went to the store and bought a super expensive digital test just to make sure. Well, after 6 tests I felt pretty confident that the plus was actually a plus! WE WERE PREGNANT! I was so happy...ecstatic...I couldn’t sit still or get anything done the rest of the day, waiting for Micke to come home from work...

When I told him he was sooo happy & excited..and a little scared of course...we were going to be parents...


At this time, I was still a smoker...Definitely not the best decision I’ve made in my life starting to smoke at the age of 22...but that’s how it was! I wouldn’t call myself a huge smoker, as I never smoked during the work day which made up about 8hrs of the day...but still, a smoker nonetheless! I had always promised myself (and my baby) that the day I found out that I was pregnant I would stop smoking, and I was determined to keep this promise..For both of us! So after the positive test on the 12th, I smoked 1 cigarette. Under the next 2 days I smoked 1/day and on the 4th day, April 15th, I took my last cigarette! (And I’m happy to say, that it’s STILL my last one! )

Moving on....


We got our first appointment to the obgyn a week after the test. I had already started feeling super nauseous and extremely constipated. I had a burning sensation over my ovaries and felt sooo swollen… The obgyn said that was all totally normal, especially the constipation....we received a lot of helpful and useful information and we booked a time for our 1st ultrasound. We received a book about being pregnant and some helpful hints about what to eat and not to eat, which was extremely important to me since I don’t eat meat products...I wanted to make sure the baby would be receiving enough nutrients. We went home feeling extremely good & excited after our first visit...I started reading the book that was a wonderful feeling reading about all the awesome things that were to come in the months ahead...

The next couple of days were uneventful. I was enjoying knowing I was pregnant and we started talking about the future and making plans for our upcoming life with our baby! I was feeling extremely tired and had some pain in my lower abdomen, but no bleeding or other alarming symptoms. We had decided not to tell anyone that I was pregnant and keeping that a secret was SOOO hard! ..Especially from my family....honestly, I felt like I was going to explode with happiness and I wanted to share that with family, friends, colleagues....well, everyone!!!

On Monday April 22nd, we were having dinner…nothing out of the ordinary or any new food…Almost immediately after we were done eating I felt this super sharp pain in my stomach..Not in the lower part, but more in the epigastric region (in the middle of the chest just below my breasts...) it was a familiar feeling...even though the pain was much higher up then what I’ve experienced before..I’ve always been a little lactose intolerant and had an extremely sensitive stomach..and constipation or diarrhea after meals wasn’t something unusual to me....and that’s how it felt...and that’s what I thought it was and why I didn’t give it any more thought!

So I did what I always do....I sat on the toilet for a while but nothing happened...and the pain didn’t subside..I drank a glass of milk because that sometimes gets the stomach going..But nothing....I sent Micke to the store to buy prunes or something that would work as a laxative!

While he was gone the pain got really the time he came back I was crying...but after a while, my bowel started working and the pain more pain....and everything was back to pain, no bleeding…nothing unusual!

On Tuesday I worked late from 2-10pm. After eating dinner at work, the same thing that had happened the night before happened...the pain, everything, was totally the same! Being at work, and having access to laxatives, I took some, went to the bathroom...and voila, pain gone..And I kept on working until my shift was over!

Wednesday was my day off and I decided to spend it shopping with my parents. I was sooo tired and a bit dizzy at times, but other than that, nothing unusual! The nausea was bad but as soon as we ate lunch it got better...I’m super close to my parents and usually tell them mom says, sometimes I even share too much....and ..I can agree with that :) Sooo I was having a super hard time keeping this a secret while we spent the day together! But I managed...don’t ask me how....but I did it!!

Thursday I worked late again. Before I went to work that day I had felt some pain in my lower back. But like all the other “symptoms” I chalked it up to being pregnant and the fact that I had already gained like 5-6 pounds...I’ve had some problems with my lower back before when I’ve gained weight so I didn’t think it was anything weight has always been like a yoyo...So, I didn’t think so much more about it! I went to work and had some pain during the night, but it wasn’t enough pain to keep me from working!

When I got home I still felt the pain in my lower back, but it wasn’t enough that I felt I needed any pain medication. So I did what I always do when I get home from work late at night...laid down on the couch to watch TV with my hubby, trying to wind down and get tired….But when I got up from the couch to go to bed, the pain had become much worse and I had trouble walking and standing up. It was painful enough that I decided to call my work and tell them I wasn’t coming in the next morning… When I’ve had lower back pain before I’ve always taken some codeine in a small dose, which has helped...but since I was pregnant I didn’t want to risk I took some paracetamol and went to bed!


The next morning, Friday April 26th micke went to work as usual! Before he left he did what he always does: gave me a hug & kiss, told me he loved me and tucked me in! Unlike other mornings , this morning, he also put his hand on my stomach and said “ be nice to mommy today”...and then he left  & I fell back asleep.

I woke up around 830am. Since I had gone to bed with some back pain I took it super easy when getting out of bed as I was predicting that it was going to be painful. But when I sat up I didn’t feel any pain at all from my the time, I didn’t think any more of it....I got up, went downstairs, had breakfast, and laid down on the couch to rest and watch TV. I fell asleep and woke up at 1130...nothing strange I thought....I’m pregnant....

I remember saying to myself when I woke up “ come on Gita, time to get up and do something with your day”...we were having dinner with my parents that night, despite my back pain....but when I got up from the couch, I felt strange...heavy...hard to describe but heavy is the only word that comes to mind....and I felt super nauseous.. Not just nauseous but like I had to throw up! I ran to the kitchen and threw was like a cascade, all over the sink and the wall behind it...once again, I didn’t think anything of it...( this was something I didn’t remember until days later)...I cleaned up my mess and had some water...then all of a sudden a super sharp pain emerged..Once again, high up on my stomach! And now I was pissed! Stupid, stupid constipation!! So I picked up the phone and called micke and told him to please go straight to the pharmacy and get me some laxatives because I wasn’t having any of this anymore!!!  And being the wonderful husband he is..He left work and went to the pharmacy! While I waited for him I went upstairs and sat down on the toilet...I sat for a while, but nothing!! And the pain just kept getting worse and worse..The more I pushed, the worse it got! Micke came home at 1230 and I was still on the toilet. He brought me a suppository laxative so it would work fast...and it did! Bowel movement-check!!

I’m normally super sensitive to all medicine and have low blood pressure, so Micke stayed home with me until I was done on the toilet, just in case I passed out! ...well, stranger things have happened right? :)

When I got up I was extremely nauseous and felt like I was going to faint..I fell down onto the toilet again....I was sweating one second & then shivering the next....I figured it was from the laxative...nothing strange...micke helped me get into the bed to rest for a was now about 120pm. Micke always gets off work at 2pm on Fridays so he decided to go back to work and finish up some problem I thought!!

But after he left and I was lying in the bed, I felt strange...something wasn’t whole body felt heavy and I was sweating profusely one minute..and then shivering the next & wanting to throw up....I had the phone next to me so I decided to call the emergency hotline to get some advice....the RN I spoke to said she also thought it was from the laxative and quick bowel movement but since I was pregnant she advised us to go see a doctor, just in case. I told her we would go as soon as micke got back....around 150 Micke came back...I was still lying in bed and now I was in severe pain...I checked my pulse in my neck and it seemed a little fast, but I thought, that’s normal when you have pain…but it was such a strange was like I was outside my own body....heavy...disoriented...tired...I tried to sit up but when I did I fell right back down again....I couldn’t sit upright!! And then I started vomiting and shivering at the same time!

That’s when I FINALLY realized something was wrong....terribly wrong! I told micke to call 911 which he did! The strange thing is, that even though I’m an experienced RN..And know all the symptoms of chock...I was unable to identify it when it came to my own body! All the signs were there: the sweating, the shivering, the nausea, vomiting, the pain, the heavy feeling, the high pulse… micke was standing right next to the bed talking to the 911 operator but it seemed as if he was so far was like I was listening to him talk from another room...muffled sounds...I heard him say that I was conscious and talking to him...the operator told him that the ambulance was about 20 min out and he said that was ok! Honestly, neither of us realized how serious my condition was…I felt ok despite all the symptoms…but while waiting for the ambulance, I drifted in and out of consciousness...during one of the short minutes I was conscious I remember saying to Micke “ this isn’t going to work much longer”…I felt myself drifting away…foggy..I remember thinking: “this is it..This is the end..My bodies shutting down”…I couldn’t lift my arms or legs..It felt like they were made of lead….20 min passed…just as micke was about to call 911 again to ask where the ambulance was, they showed up! They took their time parking outside and when they came upstairs they didn’t even have their bag with them...but as soon as they saw me, one of them ran out and got the bag! I remember telling them that I thought it was the he suggested we try to go to the bathroom…but when he lifted my upper body,, I passed out…after that everything happened so fast…I had no measureable blood pressure…no pulses in my arms…(the pulse in your neck is the last to be affected)…they lifted me up and started carrying me down the stairs…I passed out as soon as they lifted me up…
I woke up at the bottom of the stairs and had no idea how I’d gotten there..Then they wheeled me out to the ambulance and loaded me in….I yelled to Micke, who was going to follow behind, to call my parents…I told him I loved him..And then we left. I got fluids & was hooked up to a monitor that measured my BP, pulse, sats, from the time I got in the ambulance…I could see that despite the fluids(which should’ve had a little effect on my BP) my vitals were low…really low…I was scared…and at the same time, there was this calm…but the pain was almost unbearable!...

The ambulance drove pretty slow until we got on the highway…and then it just took off…I’ve never gone that fast before…it felt like we were flying

..As we were leaving I realized id left the coffee pot on…strange how things like that pop into your head..So we called micke and he turned around to turn it off…he didn’t realize that he’d driven so far already..when he turned around we were more than half way to the hospital…strange how you don’t reflect over these things until after…why turn around? Someone else that had a key to our house could’ve turned it off…but when things like this  happen you can’t think straight..And Micke was in a state of shock…

I’ve always thought I was conscious all the way to the hospital but I’ve been told, that wasn’t the case…I was mostly unconscious!

Once we arrived at the hospital the doctors were in disagreement as to which ER we should go to  ( I remember hearing the ambulance guys on the phone)..The gynecologists wanted us to come to their ER since I was pregnant..And the internal medicine, surgeons’ and anesthesiologists wanted us to go to their ER since I was so unstable…they won the discussion and the gynecologists met us there!  When they unloaded me from ether ambulance we were met by a whole trauma team: Rn’s, Nurses, Anesthesiologists’, Internal Medicine ,gynecologists. I was in so much pain still because the ambulance personnel weren’t allowed to give me any pain medication until we knew what was causing the pain (could subdue symptoms) and because it was a risk for the baby..In case something else was causing this…at this point I was still thinking that something else besides my pregnancy was causing this! My appendix, bowel, infection, ruptured ulcer…but not that there was something wrong with the pregnancy…

They lifted me off the stretcher and onto the table in the trauma room. They cut off my clothes and put 3 more is in my arms…took blood tests and hooked me up to several machines..I could see that my pressure was still super low..And my pulse too…the lead gynecology surgeon was standing on my left side holding my hand. She told me they were going to have to do a vaginal ultrasound and that it was gonna hurt…another gyno did the ultrasound and it hurt like hell..The screen of the ultrasound was standing so I could see it ..and it was just a big black screen…I’ve seen a few ultrasounds and I knew that wasn’t how it was supposed to look…it was completely black…and the black was blood…I was bleeding out…

 Micke hadn’t made it to the hospital so she called him…I heard her say “ micke this is doctor..Where are you? I heard micke say he was stuck in traffic and wouldn’t be there for 30-40 min…I heard her say “ we can’t wait a minute longer- we need to operate Gita now! I heard him say “of course”..then she handed me the phone…I remember telling him I loved him and that it was going to be ok…then they were running…toward the OR…fast…in the elevator and then we were in the OR and I was on the operating table…2 of the anesthesiologists introduced themselves..I told them I was in so much pain & finally they gave me something for it…I started drifting again...everything was hazy…they asked me if there was anything they needed to know before they started. I told them I was allergic to penicillin. Then the male anesthesiologist, standing on my right side, put his hand on mine and said “ Gita were gonna take good care of you, don’t worry”..And then I fell asleep!

I woke up in the ICU..Micke was sitting next to my bed. I remember the first thing I asked him was what time it was. He said it was 9:05!! 9:05 PM!! How was that possible? We had gotten to the ER at 3pm…where had all that time gone? Had my surgery taken that long? What had happened during surgery? Did I die? Did they have to resuscitate me? WHAT THE HELL TOOK SO LONG?

I was confused and had a lot of questions..I was happy and extremely glad to be awake….that I had made it at all…but I was scared! The pain took over these thoughts quickly….

I looked around and realized the surgery HAD taken that long…and that my body wasn’t in such good shape..I had several iv fluid bags…5 ivs, 2 arterial lines, blood bags…I was scared to lift the sheet over me but asked Micke to…I felt so swollen, like id gained 25pounds…but in width..It felt like I was barely fitting in the bed. When micke lifted the covers I looked like a package..And not like a birthday or Christmas present…big bloody bandages on several parts of my stomach..And a urine catheter…and my shoulders & chest felt like an elephant were sitting on them (very normal feeling after laparoscopic surgery because of the gas they fill the cavity with to be able to have a clear field while and the table being tilted ). After a while the anesthesiologist that had been there during my surgery came to talk to us! She was wonderful! I had so many questions…what had they done during surgery? How much did they have to remove? Would I ever be able to be pregnant again? What took so long?...

She said that as far as what had been done surgically we’d have to wait for the gynecologist who performed the surgery to inform us the next morning! What she could tell us was this: I had been operated on for 5 hours..My abdomen had been filled with 3L of blood..I had had a lot of blood and plasma transfusions during my surgery and would continue to get those through the night..She wanted me to stay in the ICU because she was worried about the great blood loss, clotting factors and my general post-op.state...and she wanted me more stable before she moved me to a ward..She said my arterial blood gases weren’t what she wanted them to be and that she’d be checking on me every hour all night, and taking blood gases. I was soo glad she was being so thorough ..But at the same time it felt soo horrible…and scary…was I gonna make it through the night?

After that I couldn’t relax at all...occupational hazard I guess but I was awake all night! Id fall asleep maybe 10 min at a time, but then I was wide awake again…Micke stayed until about midnight and then I sent him home. He didn’t want to go but I needed him to get some sleep…I called my parents and talked to them…my grandma too, who was visiting…but I didn't have the stamina to say much….I was soo tired...helpless…scared…


In the morning I was moved to the general gynecology/surgery ward. I was expecting everyone there to be as wonderful s in the ICU, but unfortunately that was not the case..I was  wheeled in a 2 bed room, right next to a super pregnant girl! This was soo hard after everything that had just happened..But no one seemed to care or give it a second thought! Well, a lot of  unfortunate things happened after this, but I’m gonna leave that out…

Micke came to the hospital early so that he could be with me and be there when the surgeon came to talk to us. She made her rounds around 11. She told us that she had to remove what was left of my burst fallopian tube on my left side. Because it had burst and my abdomen was filled with blood, it had taken them a while to remove clotted blood and to get me stable before she could locate the ectopic pregnancy! She said there had also been some complications and she had to attach a net over my uterus to stop the bleeding. She said the main reason the surgery had taken such a long time was because they needed to compensate for my blood loss & have me more stable before they continued with the surgery!...but the most important thing she said was: YOU CAN STILL GET PREGNANT! And for us, that was a relief to hear! I had always thought that if you lose one fallopian tube that your chances of conceiving went from 100% to 50%. But she explained to us that the chances aware still between 60-70% because the other fallopian tube can pick up the eggs from the left ovary too!

I stayed in the hospital for 4 days and then I chose to go home, although the doctors advised me to stay! The nights at the hospital were horrible…alone..In the dark..with all thoughts..and pain…and the anxiety was overwhelming…but I wanted to be home..with Micke, close to my family! So we went home. I passed out once in the care other then that it went ok…I still don’t remember much from that day…it’s a little foggy…

I was home from work for a month…the human body is amazing at healing itself…the brain, not so much! So when I started feeling better physically…psychologically, I was a mess! And to this day, it’s still a struggle!

Before I wrap this up, I want to make a point of telling all of you that when something like this happens it doesn’t just happen to you- it happens to everyone around you! My husband spent 5hrs, in a waiting room, alone ( he didn’t want my parents to come) not knowing if I would survive or what was going on..My parents, my brother, my grandmother, in-laws, friends etc were very scared and extremely sad just like Micke & I…everyone involved is affected and that’s something that shouldn’t be forgotten!  Even if it was my body that this happened too, it’s just as hard, if not harder, for those who are bystanders…helpless & powerless…

Well this is absolutely not the end of our story, but I’m sure it’s enough to start with!

Thank you for taking the time to read this

Love Gita

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